Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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Happy Lunar New Year from Wisdom Chinese School!


Dear all,

“With the loud sparkle of fireworks, another year has passed, and the spring breeze brings in warmth”  (Wang Anshi 1021 – 1086). As the Lunar New Year quickly approaches, how are you and your family planning on spending the day?

Since the founding of Wisdom Chinese Language School in 1994, our mission has not only been the teaching of language, but also the important nurture of culture!

Over the years, we have prepared many exciting Spring Festival activities for the children, such as making handmade lanterns, playing with lantern riddles, giving red envelopes, rolling of tang yuan, and many other activities that bring joy and happiness into learning. We hope the children can learn about the importance and meaning behind Lunar New Year and the activities associated with it. We further wish for the children to make beautiful and unforgettable memories during their time learning at Wisdom.

Due to the pandemic, many of us are unable to gather with family and friends. Teachers and students are also unable to exchange Lunar New Year greetings face-to-face. However, if we stay strong and healthy, spring will be here before we know it!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Lunar New Year, and a prosperous Ox year to come!

Photos are from past Lunar New Year celebrations.

"爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇" YES! 中國新年即將來到,您府上打算如何過節呢?

慧智中文學校自從 1994 創校以來,除了注重語文教學,"文化的培育"一直也列為重要的使命!

歷年來,我們為孩子們設計好多春節活動,例如: 手做吉祥燈籠、歡樂猜燈謎、財神爺發紅包、熱鬧滾元宵... 希望藉由"寓教於樂"的活動,讓孩子們充分認識中國新年對華人的意義,更希望在他們學習中文的過程裡,留下美好可懷念的註記~

