Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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Wisdom Chinese Language School Registration Seminar


我們將在本週六 (5/15) 8:00-9:20 pm 召開 2021-2022 新學年註冊說明會,會中將講解學校新制,闡述理念,並開放家長提問。

敬請您撥冗與會,如果您有朋友對我們學校也有興趣,歡迎轉發此 email ~ ☺️

本週六 (5/15) 說明會將分兩段進行:

8:00-8:40 pm 中文說明會
8:40-9:20 pm 英文說明會
Zoom ID and Password - Please email us for access

欲知課程和註冊詳情,請點選: 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese School

新學年註冊已經展開 ,6/1 或之前報名享有早鳥優惠,請別錯過! 報名請點選: 報名 Registration

家長如有任何問題,或想 schedule 觀課 Open House, 歡迎來信 vesta@wceo.org 或電洽 510-252-9226 (教務 Vesta)。



Dear Parents:

We will hold the 2021-2022 registration seminar 8:00-9:20 pm this Saturday (5/15). During the meeting, we will explain the teaching format and concepts, and parents will have the opportunity to ask questions.

You are very welcomed to join the seminar. You may forward this information to your friends who are interested in our school as well. ☺️

5/15 (Saturday) seminar will be held bilingually:

8:00-8:40 pm in Mandarin
8:40-9:20 pm in English
Zoom ID and Password - Please email us for access

To know the course and registration details, please click: 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese School 

Registration for the new school year has started. Register on or before 6/1 to enjoy the early bird discount.  

To register, please click: 報名 Registration  

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an Open House for observing the classes, please feel free to email vesta@wceo.org or call at 510-252-9226 (Vesta, Program Supervisor). 

Wisdom Chinese Language School