Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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防疫文藝營!小小隊大大學!Safety at Summer Camp: Smaller groups, but still lots of learning!

Dear Friend and Families,

As our communities slowly return to normal and reopen, we must do more to inspire our children who have been stuck in online classrooms all year long. This is a challenge that our organization is ready for, and we cannot be more excited to plan activities and classes to re-motivate our children’s attitude towards learning!

We hope you also believe that our annual Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp is a great way to help our children rediscover the joys of learning in person.


Please allow us to provide more information if you still have some concerns about large gatherings this summer.

After an entire year of research, the administrative staff of Wisdom’s Chinese Folk Arts Culture Camp have developed an entirely new structure of “Small Groups, Big Learning.” We have required all of our staff, teachers, and volunteers to be fully vaccinated prior to camp. Any teachers from Taiwan will also be vaccinated and arrive at least 24 days prior to camp for quarantine. Children between classes will not mix and participate in activities in their own designated areas, and camp visitors will not be allowed.

Let us work together to ensure that our children are safe and regain their motivation to learn!

Small Groups: One high school volunteer TA (teacher’s assistant, “big brother/sister”) will lead each group.

  • Volunteers will receive 6 hours of safety training before camp.

  • Small groups will consist of 6 children and one TA.

  • Our TAs will be responsible for taking care of the 6 children the entire day: classtime, mealtime, camp activities, temperature reporting, hygiene and safety.

Big Learning: Great distances, large play areas, and lots of cultural learning!

  • We will plan routes on campus to avoid intermingling between groups when moving from one activity to the next.

  • Small groups will take breaks and recesses in their own designated areas.

  • Group activities will always be hosted outdoors, allowing for ample space between teachers and campers.

  • We will maintain safe distances between all campers, teachers, and volunteers during indoor class instruction.

  • Our daily schedule for each group provides alternating indoor and outdoor class time every hour.


We hope our lovely children can enjoy learning once again outside of the confines of the home.

Because you continue to support your children to learn about their own culture and heritage, we hope they will understand and appreciate the unique multicultural communities we live in.

Only through learning can we become more compassionate, eliminating discrimination and increasing understanding.

See you this summer!

Written by Mei-Chih Tsai
Director of Wisdom Culture and Education Organization on 6/3/21







【小小隊】,固定專門的哥哥姊姊來領隊學習 -

★ 帶隊哥哥姐姐於營前接受6小時的【安全帶隊訓練】。

★ 6個小朋友+TA組成固定學習小隊。

★ TA專責照顧這6位小朋友學習、遊戲、飲食、體溫通報及校園內的行動。


★ 小隊以單線循環固定路線,大距離行動和活動。

★ 小隊下課以固定區塊活動遊戲。

★ 大地遊戲以小隊大操場進行,一樣精彩好玩!

★ 教室保持間距教學,教師戴口罩及面罩教學。

★ 採室內、室外交替學習場域;每小時交替室內外排課。



慧智文教基金會 執行長 賴美智 筆於 San Jose 6/3/2021