好久不見,我是獵人大哥! Greetings from Teacher Hunter!

Dear Families and Friends,

Long time no see, I am Teacher Hunter 獵人大哥!

I am so happy to hear that your communities in the United States are beating the pandemic and life is slowly returning to normal. I cannot wait to fly to the United States this summer to meet you and your children again!

"In difficult times, maintaining a positive attitude will definitely inspire unprecedented creativity." With this attitude, Big Brother Hunter has been actively planning and developing fun group activities and games for camp since January of this year! While we cannot “have contact with people,” we can still “connect with each other.” With this philosophy, we have changed the ways in which we would normally play games to conform to safety regulations, but we will still inspire children to work together during camp. I hope these activities will become a wonderful outlet for your children’s electrifying enthusiasm and creative expression!

For more than 20 years, we have grown accustomed to the way we operate our summer camp. While we were forced to make changes this year, we welcome these new challenges with open arms and continue to promise the best and most exciting cultural learning opportunities for our children. In the face of new things, we may be afraid because we don’t understand and are not familiar with it, but as long as we bravely explore the unknown, we have the opportunity to create something entirely new and maybe something even better than what we had before. With this courage and conviction, Wisdom Culture and Education Organization is working around the clock to prepare for and implement the best procedures for this summer’s camps. We sincerely appreciate the trust and support from all of our families and parents.

Thank you parents for your willingness to sign up your children and return to the physical camp to participate in our new energetic atmosphere of learning together. Let us break through the status quo of what’s possible at a summer camp during a pandemic and create unlimited possibilities for your children! Big Brother Hunter is ready... See you soon!

Wishing everyone good health,

各位親愛的家長朋友們 您們好:





感謝各位家長們願意為孩子報名,回到實體營隊找回共學的氛圍,讓我們一起突破現實的框架,創造一個前所未有的可能性。獵人大哥已經準備好了…see you soon!



Hunter 獵人大哥