New 2021 Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp Details


Dear friends and families of Wisdom,

We are pleased to announce that planning is underway for our Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp!

The positive trend of the COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened our optimism and we are quickly putting together all the pieces to have a successful and safe summer camp this year! We will heed all public health guidelines and take additional precautions to mitigate risk, so children and families can have the joyous summer camp experience we’ve all yearned for.

You can expect the same energetic and exciting cultural curriculum that Wisdom is known for! Through our camp, we hope children will learn to be confident in their own cultural identity and be proud to share with others our unique and beautiful cultural heritage to promote healing and understanding in these divisive times.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, our summer camps won’t look like how they used to. We will take every precaution to ensure a safe learning environment for our campers, families, staff, and volunteers.

A few of the ways we plan to mitigate risk include:

  • Requiring all campers, staff, and volunteers to wear a face mask at all times except when actively consuming food or drinks.

  • Daily temperature checks in the morning for all campers, staff, and volunteers.

  • Small groups of campers will stay together all day, each day. There will be no large group activities that allow for the mixing of small groups during camp.

  • Campers, staff, and volunteers remain at least 6 feet apart and do not share objects.

  • Campers, staff, and volunteers will be encouraged to wash hands often.

  • Practicing frequent disinfection of high touch surfaces and making sanitation products readily available (hand soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and spray, etc.).

  • Low- or no-contact daily check-in and pick-up procedures.

  • Prioritizing outdoor activities and classes.

  • Campers bring their own lunch and remain at a safe distance during meal and snack times.

Let’s help our children return to our “normal” happy and healthy lifestyle with this summer’s camp!

There are many logistical challenges for us to overcome due to the pandemic. Thank you for understanding the deviation from our usual camp locations and cost!

Pre-registration will begin on April 2nd! Pre-registration is free and locks in your spot for this summer. A credit card will be required during pre-registration, but you will not be charged the total amount until the dates, costs, and locations are determined.

We will send a notification by email when the camp details are finalized in May and let you know when payment will be due. If the final dates, cost, or location does not work for you, simply let us know before the due date and we will not charge your credit card and release your spot to someone else.

Let us learn together, laugh together, and enjoy cultural arts together once more!

We can’t wait to see you again,

Wisdom Culture and Education Organization