A Mid-Autumn Festival Gift: 世台生命教育學會給您送中秋禮來啦!

Dear Parents,

We’re extremely excited to offer a free seminar to help you explore the vital connection with your children at home. Because of the pandemic, our children may feel they have less space, especially with less activities and opportunities for them outside of home. It’s not easy for parents, too, having to juggle so many things at once, rarely having an opportunity to breathe and relax. Wisdom Culture and Education Organization sees the hard work of all parents during this time and we hope to accompany you and provide resources to aid your adjustment to a new lifestyle at home.

Do your children tell you the troubles or frustrations they have? We often say that we only learn to be parents after becoming parents. Now, with our extended time at home, there is an opportunity for us to learn to see and hear the troubles that children don’t know how to tell us.

世台生命教育學會 STUF Life Education Society would like to invite you to an online seminar with Yang Xiuwen, Ph.D. (楊琇雯​ ​博士) and Counseling Psychologist Lai Jingru (賴鏡如 諮商師).

  • Understand the connection between focus, emotion, and behavior

  • Discover the factors that affect children's concentration and emotions in life

  • Explore skills to assist children

  • Guide children's behavior

  • Learn to observe and objectively understand the characteristics of children

  • Give children positive support and guide them to grow up confidently

About the Lecture

Topic: The Triangular Relationship Between Concentration, Emotion, and Behavior in Children

Date: October 17, 2020 and October 24, 2020 (2 days)

Time: 1pm-2:30pm (Pacific), 3pm-4:30pm (Central), 4pm-5:30pm (Eastern)

Language: Mandarin Chinese

Eligibility: Parents of children aged 3-8, as well as our STUF Life Education students, or new students recommended by current students are given priority admission

Cost: Free, donations are welcome to support the World-Taiwan STUF United Fund: https://worldtaiwan.org

Venue: Online Meeting Room (Meeting link and password will be emailed to registered students one week prior to class)

Registration: https://forms.gle/XTiTrfV2vgvERwZd6​

You are very welcome to share this gift with your relatives and friends!

Lecturer Profiles

Yang Xiuwen​​, Ph.D.
Doctorate in Special Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Researcher at the Child Development Center; Parent Education Lecturer; Occupational Therapist (Taiwan).

Expertise: Child development, practical skills of scientific evidence in the family environment, etc.

Lai Jingru, Counseling Psychologist
Masters of Educational Psychological Counseling from San Diego State University; Educational Psychologist (California); Campus Counselor; Parent Education Lecturer.

Expertise: Educational psychology evaluation, student education intervention program, communication with parents, etc.




世台生命教育學會邀請家長們跟著 楊琇雯博士 和 賴鏡如 諮商師,一起來;

  • 了解專注、情緒、和行為間的連結;

  • 發現生活中影響孩子專注和情緒的因素;

  • 探討協助孩子的技巧;引導孩子的行為;

  • 學習觀察,客觀了解孩子的特質;

  • 給予孩子正向支持,引導孩子自信成長。


  • 講題:孩子經歷的三角關係 –​ ​專注、情緒、行為

  • 時間:2020 年 10/17,10/24 下午 (兩個週六)

    • 美西 1-2:30;美中 3-4:30;美東 4-5:30

  • 語言:主要以華語授課

  • 資格:3-8歲兒童家長,以及生命教育學員,或學員推薦之新學員優先錄取

  • 形式:免付費線上課程,歡迎自由樂捐贊助世台聯合基金會,贊助生命教 https://worldtaiwan.org

  • 地點:線上互動學習 (上課一周前 e-mail 通知錄取者開課網址和密碼)

  • 報名:點擊線上報名表連結,填寫並送出此線上報名表 https://forms.gle/XTiTrfV2vgvERwZd6​

  • 也歡迎您將這份好禮,分享給您的親友!


楊琇雯​ ​博士

  • 學經歷:伊利諾大學香檳分校特殊教育博士;兒童發展中心研究員;親職教育講師;職能治療師(台灣)。

  • 專長:兒童發展,科學實證在家庭環境之實踐技巧,等。

賴鏡如 諮商師

  • 學經歷:聖地牙哥州立大學教育心理輔導碩士;教育心理學家(加州);校園諮商師;親職教育講師。

  • 專長:教育心理評鑑,學生教育介入方案,親師溝通,等。