Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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Register for Chinese School: 2020-2021 School Year is Online!

We hope the joyous moments of our online summer camp still linger in your memory as summer quickly comes to an end and the preparation for a brand new school year begins. Like you, we are determined to ensure our children continue to receive the highest quality of education possible as we all begin to adopt distance learning this fall.

As you know, for over two decades, Wisdom Culture and Education Organization has been dedicated to the promotion of Chinese language and culture. We have spared no expenses to provide extraordinary opportunities for our children to explore the Chinese language from an ocean away. Our custom textbooks have been carefully designed and we have selected and trained a group of energetic and lively teachers to help our children enjoy learning a new language.

Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is open now. The first day of school is September 9, 2020 and classes will be online through May 2021. Sign up soon before prices increase on August 16th. Please visit our website for more information (wceo.org/chinese-school) and, if you have any questions, email us at info@wceo.org or call 510-252-9226.

親愛的家長  您好!



慧智中文學校將於 9/9/2020 開學,報名仍在展開中,歡迎有興趣的家長即刻上網查詢 或報名,8/16 起,學費將會調漲 $20! 如您有任何問題,可email 至 info@wceo.org 或電 510-252-9226.

慧智中文學校 敬上