Chinese School

Newsletter Week 1 第一週校訊 - 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese Language School




1. 線上教學 & 實體印證

因應新冠疫情、學區租借困難、遠地新生加入... 等因素,往後學校將持續走線上教學為主,實體印證教學為輔之方式。實體印證將在週日下午 1:30-3:30 pm 進行,日期分別為: 11/7, 2/6, 3/27, 5/22,舉辦地點會在稍後通知。

2. 教材的更新


國語班一年級 (注音符號班): 使用康軒出版的"國語首冊"

國語班二~六年級: 使用"學華語向前走"

3. 師資

今年很榮幸能和國立台灣師範大學華語文教學系合作,每班 (除了國語班八年級) 除了有一名慧智老師之外,同時邀請一~兩名師大青年老師加入教學陣容,期能活化教學品質,激發不同經驗與創新火花。共教模式: 慧智老師與師大青年老師將以每一課進度為單元,輪流指導教授您小孩的班級。

4. 自主延伸學習資源 (optional)

為了提升學生語文學習的興趣及能力,校方從第四週起,將根據各班語文程度,每週提供四則自主延伸學習資源 (每則 10-15 分鐘可完成),讓有意願"多"學習的學生,有更系統且豐富的資源,快樂自學。


各班老師將在本週末前 email 給您 Welcome Letter 並告知上課 Zoom info。



Vesta Huang, 校長

W: 510-252-9226


Dear Parents,

Welcome to join Wisdom Chinese Language School!  In this school year, we are having a number of new changes explained as follows:

1. Online Teaching & On-Site Learning  

In response to factors such as the epidemic, the difficulty of renting in the school district, the joining of new students from remote places, etc., the school will continue to practice online teaching as the main method, and supplemented by on-site learning. On-site learning will be held at 1:30-3:30 pm on Sundays (dates: 11/7, 2/6, 3/27, 5/22). The venue will be announced later.  

2. Change of Course Materials 

In order to make students' language learning closer to daily life and to cooperate with the use of multimedia, we have replaced the following grade course materials: 

Mandarin 1st grade (注音符號班): 使用康軒出版的"國語首冊"
Mandarin 2nd~6th grades: 使用"學華語向前走"

3. Class Teachers 

This year we are honored to cooperate with the Chinese Language Teaching Department of National Taiwan Normal University. In addition to 1 Wisdom teacher in each class (except for the Mandarin 8A class), 1-2 teachers from the Normal University will be invited to join the teaching lineup at the same time. We hope to see the exchange of different experiences and sparks of innovation. Co-teaching mode: teacher Wisdom and teachers of Normal University will take turns to guide and teach your child's class based on the progress of each lesson. 

4. Autonomous Extended Learning Resources (optional) 

In order to enhance students’ interest and ability in language learning, starting from the 4th week, the school will provide 4 autonomous extended learning resources per week (10-15 minutes for completion time each) according to the language level of each class, so that those who are willing to learn "more" have more systematic and rich resources and can learn on their own. 

Chinese learning is not a fast, but a solid and long-term journey. There is no shortcut, only persistence. I hope that parents can fully cooperate with teachers to create an ideal Chinese learning environment that stimulates children's interest in learning. 

Your class teachers will email you the Welcome Letter including the Zoom info for joining the class by this weekend.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Respectfully, peace and joy to your family!

Vesta Huang, Principal

W: 510-252-9226 

Newsletter Week 31 - 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese Language School

The 2019-2020 school year is quickly coming to an end. This Wednesday (5/13) is the last day of Chinese School. Although the students cannot give a hug or say thank you and goodbye to our beloved teachers, we are already looking forward to the fall. We hope everyone is safe and healthy, and we look forward to seeing us enjoy a beautiful summer vacation outdoors as soon as possible!

Letter to Our Families: COVID-19 Update

The situation with COVID-19 is extremely dynamic and continues to evolve. Wisdom Culture and Education Organization is closely monitoring the recommendations and requirements from local, state, and federal public health agencies. Please read more to learn about how we plan to deal with these circumstances.

Welcome to Our New Website

Welcome to our new website! We’re in the process of transitioning from and building a new registration platform.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve your experience on this site. If you find any errors or broken links, feel free to let us know by emailing so we can fix the issue.

Thanksgiving Break - 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese Language School

11/20, 11/27 感恩節假期 Thanksgiving Break - 不上課 No School!

慧智 Grimmer 辦公室,有許多適合大人閱讀的中文書籍,有興趣的家長,可在 11/30 之前 - 週一至週五 (9:30am-4:00pm) 到辦公室盡情挑選喔! (FREE!)   

There are used Chinese books (adult reading level) - FREE for our parents. Please feel free to come by the Wisdom Grimmer office (9:30am-4:00pm during weekdays by 11/30) to take some home.