Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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A Letter From Our Director: 疫情嚴峻,補給孩子們的正思維,攜手邁向文化的曙光!






這一週,經過完整的討論與部署。感恩大家25年來的支持,更考量大家的經濟都受到衝擊,經董事長主張『以感恩之情,回饋教育之心!』今年設計的【線上互動式文化宴饗】兩天六種課程連同實作材料,總數1200個名額。全數免費提供給已報名和準備報名的家庭。更規劃了【實境式延伸學習】預備在安全解疫的那一天到來!以『金鼠大躍出 – 文化體驗日』活動。邀您全家齊來享受學習、擁抱文化,共度牽手朋友的快樂時光!


慧智文教基金會 敬祈 2020/5/19

Dear Parents,

Our lives have changed significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic, especially the way our children study and learn. During this time, the team at Wisdom Culture and Education Organization has not stopped preparing for the summer. Even as we work from home, we are still planning a summer filled with fun games and activities to experience Chinese culture together. This camp has become a promise between us and the communities we serve for over 25 years.

The volatility of the COVID-19 situation has made planning this summer extremely difficult. All day and all night my colleagues and I proposed endless solutions from plan A to plan B... all the way to Plan D, and in the end, even plan D could not be executed.

But where there's a will, there's a way, and even when the door to cultural education seems closed this summer,  we will work hard to open another one for our children to learn and have fun. Only through learning and communication can we become more compassionate in our multicultural country; eliminating discrimination and increasing understanding during this era of chaotic values is a burden for us and our children. This is the mission we strive to work towards.

A promise fulfilled for 25 years. This year can be no different.

This week, after a thorough discussion and rethinking, we have decided to share our gratitude for your support in the past 25 years and offer a free online summer course for the love of education and our Chinese heritage. The 2020 Online Chinese Folk Arts Summer Experience will be six courses over two days with materials provided free of charge to 1,200 participants. We will also host an extended learning opportunity at the end of summer when shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted. We welcome your whole family to join our "Year of the Rat Cultural Festival" and continue our appreciation of Chinese folk arts in-person.

The world tomorrow is still unpredictable, but let us be positive. Let us guide our children to change the status quo and move towards a brighter future.

Wishing you all good health,
The team at Wisdom