Spring 2021 Chinese Folk Arts Online Class


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Dear Parents,

Over 800 students from all across the country joined our Winter Chinese Folk Arts Online Class in December and January! We had an amazing time together learning about Chinese New Year and the culture of red envelopes.

Now, as we all make plans to continue to stay healthy in the new year, Wisdom Culture and Education Organization is proud to bring your children a new online culture class featuring the the topics filial piety and self-care through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine. Let’s stretch our minds and bodies, and learn about the practical methods of being considerate and respectful to parents and relatives.

For only $15.00, join us for a two-hour online lesson tailored for your child’s age group. We’ll provide you with materials needed for a fun DIY project to go along with the cultural lesson! Please feel free to share this information with your friends and relatives all around the country.

Filial Piety & Traditional Chinese Medicine

The practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) carries thousands of years of experience and theoretical knowledge from ancient and modern Chinese medicine practitioners and doctors. Today, many traditional treatments like cupping and acupuncture have even gained contemporary popularity. While TCM’s efficacy and methods are highly debated within scientific and medical communities, its long history and influence makes TCM an invaluable aspect of Chinese cultural heritage and worthy of exploring and learning.

Join us as we explore the mysterious world of traditional Chinese medicine:

  • Learn about the ancient history of Chinese health and remedies

  • Hear legendary stories of famous ancient doctors

  • Understand what a TCM health regimen looks like

  • Try some interesting health exercises

  • Create your own immune boosting herbal drink

This will be all included in our two-hour course, so don’t miss out!

  • Age range: Currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade

  • Dates (select one): 4/9, 4/10, 4/11

  • Times (Pacific, select one): 1:00-3:00pm, 2:00-4:00pm, 3:00-5:00pm

  • Fee: $15 for each child (Includes the cost of materials and shipping), additional $10 for shipping outside the United States

  • Registration: Please register at wceo.org/register

  • Questions: Call 510-252-9226 or email info@wceo.org

  • Please note: This class will be taught in Mandarin Chinese

Spaces and materials are limited. Please register soon! Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds for any cancellations or no-shows this time.




慧智文教基金會特別為您的孩子設計 “華佗的智慧 –孝道養生、自我保健” 課程,






歡迎您推薦我們的課程給家中有 K-5th年級的孩子來參加喔~


華佗的智慧 - 孝道養生、自我保建


進入神祕的中醫殿堂,讓我們一起了解並體驗 ……

  • 中國人的養生歷史

  • 古代名醫的傳說故事

  • 傳統的養生方法

  • 有趣的養生運動

  • 抗疫養生飲品 DIY

[招生對象] K-5 年級學生

[活動日期] 4/9, 4/10, 4/11 (請擇一)

[上課時間] 1:00-3:00pm, 2:00-4:00pm, 3:00-5:00pm, (請擇一)

[活動費用] 每人酌收材料及寄送費用 $15 (美國境內)

[活動報名] 報名網址: wceo.org/register

[洽詢詳情] 請致電 510-252-9226 或 email info@wceo.org

名額有限,報名請早! 一旦報名繳費完成,恕不能退選。