Wisdom Culture and Education Organization

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Newsletter Week 31 - 慧智中文學校 Wisdom Chinese Language School

This Wednesday (5/13) is the last day of Chinese School.

For the registration of next school year, please visit wceo.org/register-wcls.

(The first day of school: 9/9/2020!!)

Have a great and safe summer!!



三月初,早在 shelter-in-place 政令頒布前,學校的行政團隊與所有老師,即已開始籌畫可能進行的線上中文教室。期間,老師們兢兢業業,不敢懈怠,更在忙碌的生活中, 積極參與線上教學的培訓,也因此,我們才能在不耽誤任何課程的情況下,順利的進入線上中文的學習,在此,獻上對老師們深深的感謝!

2019-2020 學年即將結束,在此,恭喜我們的 JA 201 以及 CSL 6 的同學,完成了慧智傳統及雙語班,最高年級的課程,雖然無法像以往,在熱鬧的畢業典禮上,親自頒發證書,給予祝福,但全校的師生和我,仍為你們的表現感到欣慰,更希望之後,不管是在主流學校,或是在繼續的中文學習路上,都能順利,有所收穫。


校長 吳翠萍

Principal's Message

We've experienced life as we've never before in the last few months. I never would have imagined a time where we could not venture outside our homes and needed to transition Wisdom Chinese Language School to weekly online classes! 

At the beginning of March, long before the shelter-in-place order was issued, our school's administrative team and all of our teachers had already begun planning for the possibility of online Chinese classes. The teachers were extremely diligent, daring not to slack off, and worked hard to bring the positive and welcoming environment from their classrooms into your homes. I am extremely grateful for their efforts to smoothly transition our courses and complete the remainder of the semester without any delays!

The 2019-2020 school year is quickly coming to an end. Congratulations to our JA 201 and CSL 6 students for completing our highest level of courses! Unfortunately we are unable to issue certificates to you and celebrate with you in person, but you should be extremely proud of your well-deserved accomplishments. I hope that in the future you will continue to further your Chinese language education and apply your language skills to various aspects of your life.

Although the students cannot give a hug or say thank you and goodbye to our beloved teachers, we are already looking forward to the fall. Registration has already begun for the next school year and we cannot wait to see your bright smiles again in September! At this time, while we are still fighting against the pandemic, I hope everyone is safe and healthy, and I look forward to seeing us enjoy a beautiful summer vacation outdoors as soon as possible!

Tswei-Ping Wu
Principal, Wisdom Chinese Language School