Camp Policies (2025)

Download a copy of these Camp Policies: Download File
Latest Revision: February 20, 2025

Terms & Consents

Information Consent
By submitting my registration, you consent to the collection of all necessary information about your child(ren)/ward(s) under the age of 13.

Medical Consent
Unless indicated as an allergy or restriction on the registration form, my child/ward has permission to be administered the following items: Tylenol/acetaminophen, Advil/Ibuprofen, Benadryl/antihistamine, Pepto Bismol/Tums/antacid/anti-gas.

My child/ward is in good health and has my permission to engage in all prescribed activities, except as communicated under separate cover. If I cannot be reached in an emergency or if a delay would imperil the life of my child/ward, I hereby give my permission to a physician, selected by the adult leader in charge, to hospitalize, secure proper Xray examination, anesthetic, and/or prescriptive, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis and/or treatment deemed necessary to be rendered under the supervision of a licensed physician or surgeon.

Media Consent
By allowing your child/ward to participate in Wisdom Culture and Education Organization (“WCEO”) programs, you acknowledge that you and your child/ward may enter environments where photography, audio, and video recording will occur. By agreeing to these terms, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by WCEO and its representatives. You release WCEO, its employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or audio recordings, and you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by WCEO or the person or entity designated to do so by WCEO. You acknowledge that WCEO has permission to use media of your child/ward for publicity purposes unless you revoke your consent in writing to be provided prior to the first day of your registered program.

Refund Policy
Camp registration is nontransferable.  Processing & Fees is nonrefundable.

Refunds for any cancellations will apply as follows:

  • We will not provide any credit for the cancellation for future use.

  • Cancellation requests received via email before April 15, 2025 will be eligible for a 75% refund of your paid program fees.

  • Cancellation requests received via email before May 15, 2025 will be eligible for a 50% refund of your paid program fees.

  • Cancellation requests received via email on or after May 15, 2025 will be ineligible for any refunds.

To cancel your registration, please email us at

Administrative Policy

Late Pick-Up Policy

It is important for all campers to be picked up on time. We will enforce a late fee of $1 per minute per child past the official end time of the camp day.

Visitor Policy

For our campers’ safety, health, and quality of education, there will be no interruption allowed during class from outside visitors. If you need to pick up your child early, please report to the camp office first.

Illness and Injury Policy (Not COVID-19 related)

Please read the following to understand how we handle situations involving illnesses during camp.

  • If your child has symptoms of a cold, flu, chicken pox, skin rash, fever, or any kind of contagious illness, please keep your child at home to rest and notify us of his or her absence.

  • If your child shows any symptoms of illness at camp, our staff will notify the parent, or the emergency contact person as indicated on the registration form to take the child home. The child will be removed from class and placed in the care of adult staff members while waiting for pick-up.

  • Please inform our staff if your child is bringing prescription medication, an inhaler or EpiPen to camp. Prescription medication must remain in its original packaging with the child’s name and pharmacy contact on the label.

Please read the following to understand how we handle situations involving minor accidents and injuries during camp.

  • Minor injuries and accidents such as small cuts, nosebleeds, abrasions, or bruising will be handled appropriately by our staff. Treatment given may include sanitizing the area of injury, applying bandages, compression, icing, etc. All minor injuries and subsequent treatment will be recorded, and parents will get the record at camp check-out.

  • In the case of more serious injuries that may require over-the-counter (OTC) medication, we will still apply the proper treatment, unless the parent does not give permission in the registration form for the administering of OTC medication (Tylenol/acetaminophen, Advil/Ibuprofen, Benadryl/antihistamine, Pepto Bismol/Tums/antacid/anti-gas). We will notify the parent immediately following the injury and allow the option of early pick-up at the parent’s request.

Please read the following to understand how we handle medical emergencies or major injuries during camp.

  • Parents will be notified immediately following a medical emergency or major injury. Our camp staff will provide a recommended course of action, but still act as instructed by the parent. If the parent cannot be reached, we will notify the emergency contact person instead.

  • If the parent or emergency contact person cannot be reached in an emergency or if a delay of proper care would imperil the life of a child, a physician, selected by an adult staff member in charge, may hospitalize, secure proper X-ray examination, anesthetic, and/or prescriptive, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis and/or treatment deemed necessary to be rendered under the supervision of a licensed physician or surgeon. This may include contacting 911 and utilizing emergency transportation before parents are notified.

Positive Behavior Policy and Consent

Camper Behavior Policies and Consequences

Wisdom Culture and Education Organization is committed to creating a positive learning environment for our students. Student behavior should complement our efforts to create a safe, positive, orderly, and inviting environment.

Please read the following to understand how we handle behavioral issues that may arise during camp.

  • Minor conflicts that arise in the classroom may be resolved by our high-school-aged camp counselors (TAs). Disciplinary actions and consequences may include separating campers in a conflict, a short-term removal from activities, or a visit to the camp office for counseling and guidance from an adult staff member.

  • Major behavioral issues that involve bullying, physical violence, or sexual harassment will always be escalated to an adult in charge, and parents will be informed. The severity of the conflict will determine if the child must be sent home for the remainder of the day or camp session.

  • If any law actions stem from students' behavioral incidents in the camp such as bullying, physical violence, or sexual harassment, the responsibility will rest with all parties involved. WCEO will be exempt from any legal liability.