Summer 2024 Application Instructions

We process hundreds of applications each year. All applicants must carefully follow all steps below to avoid any errors or missing documents. Missing documents, incomplete or false information, or missed deadlines will be taken into consideration during our application review process.

The application will end on May 25.

Step 1: Download the Application Packet

Download the 2024 Summer Camp TA Application Packet and review all pages carefully before applying. The application packet contains important information including, but not limited to, training, program policies.

  • Carefully review and complete the pages that require a signature – pages 5, and 6.

  • Scan the signed pages separately (one file per page) with a printer or scanner application on your mobile device (PDF only).


Step 2: Prepare for ONLINE Application

In addition to some basic information, you will also be asked to:
- answer 3 experience related questions,
- upload 1 image file, and
- provide a 90-second video link.

3 questions (experience related):

  1. What volunteer services have you provided? Any experiences in summer camps?

  2. How do you define leadership? What leadership training or experiences do you have?

  3. What are your characteristics, skills, talents, or traits that will aid in your role as a summer camp TA?

1 image file: recent self portrait

1 link (90-second video):

Please record a brief 90-second video in Mandarin or English addressing the prompts below and upload your completed video to YouTube with the privacy set to Unlisted. The title of your video should follow this format: “2024 TA Application - Full Name”.

  1. Preferable in Mandarin, briefly introduce yourself and your previous experiences, if any, with Wisdom Culture and Education Organization.

  2. Why do you want to be a volunteer at our summer camp?

  3. What are your characteristics, skills, talents, or traits that will aid in your role as a summer camp TA?

  4. What do you think you will gain from this experience?


Step 3: Online Application Form and PAYMENT

You can apply to up to 3 different camp sessions, and you may or may not be selected to serve for all 3 sessions you select. Please only apply to the sessions you are able and willing to volunteer at! Applying to more sessions will not increase your odds of being selected.

The application processing fee is $20 per applicant per transaction and will be due at the time of application.

  • Please note: Each applicant must complete a separate application form. Families with multiple applicants will have to complete multiple transactions.

  • Please note: The online application form does not automatically save your responses. Do not refresh or visit a previous page when you are completing the application. We recommend having all required documents ready before starting the application, including your responses to the short answer questions.

Step 4: Decision

The first batch of application results will be emailed on or around April 1. The decisions could be accepted, waitlisted, or declined.

If you receive the accepted e-mail notification, please mail in the $100 refundable deposit (one check per camp session) by April 15 (post marked) to secure the volunteer position. If deadline is not met, we will consider you to automatically resign from the TA position. 

  • Deposit check payable to WCEO

  • Mailing address:
    45554 Antelope Drive
    Fremont, CA 94539  

If you receive the waitlisted e-mail notification, please wait until our further notice for available volunteer position.

If you apply to more than one session, you may be accepted to one session and waitlisted at another session simply due to space constraints (number of campers).

For the rest, please refer to the acceptance or waitlist email received, and follow the subsequent steps as instructed in the email at the specified time.

How do we decide who to accept?

Our team carefully review your responses to the short answer questions as well as your 90-second video to understand and evaluate your qualifications and aptitude for the service.
We are seeking enthusiastic and responsible individuals to proudly lead our young campers this summer.
Tip: Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine in your 90-second introduction video!

Application Deadline

The application will begin around February 15 and end on May 15.