Letter to Our Families: COVID-19 Update

The situation with COVID-19 is extremely dynamic and continues to evolve. Wisdom Culture and Education Organization is closely monitoring the recommendations and requirements from local, state, and federal public health agencies.

While we have already moved instruction for Chinese Language School online and canceled or postponed some youth service programs, we have not yet made a final decision regarding our Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp.

We appreciate all of the support from the families who have already registered for summer camp this year. We understand that families will have to make important decisions in the coming weeks or even months to stay safe, healthy, and financially secure. Rest assured, we will amend our cancellation policies to be more flexible. This cancellation policy will be published and distributed to all families in the coming weeks.

These are truly unprecedented times and we are learning right alongside you as we navigate this situation together. We hope you will understand our decisions to keep our community and families safe.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Warm regards,
Your friends at Wisdom