Register Today! 2021 Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp

Dear Friends and Families,

Spring is the season of renewal and it sure does feel like it here in the San Francisco Bay Area! It’s comforting to hear that the vaccine administration rate in our region has reached more than 70% now.

Cautiously, everything is reopening and we’re all ready to return to some semblance of normalcy in the coming months.

Every summer, children and families look forward to our Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp. We’re so pleased to announce that our in-person camps are back this year!

We have prepared wonderful cultural courses and fun DIY crafts and projects. For those who are familiar, our beloved Teacher Hunter is ready to return with new games and activities just for you!

Even though the risk of COVID-19 is much lower now in our communities, it is still challenging to host a camp this summer. Nonetheless, we are up to the task and will do everything we can to lower the risk of COVID-19 as much as possible while providing a joyful and educational experience for your children!

This summer, our class will be organized into small groups and we will take implement many COVID-19 safety measures. Learn more:

For the latest camp dates and locations, please see

Questions? Please email us at or call 510-252-9226. We look forward to seeing you at camp this summer!

Wisdom Culture & Education Organization